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Posted by on Jun 8, 2021 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

Oakland International High School Winning Poems are the Cat’s Meow

By Bodie, Oakland International High School ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, and Martha who pretty much lets Bodie be in charge. He’s a cat so there’s no other choice

Bodie here. Loving these poems.

We have the best poets at Oakland International High School. These ACE Poetry Contest winners have written about being outside and enjoying the world around you.

Meow, meow. It’s me, Bodie. So proud to show off these winning poets and their poems. They are, what we call, the cat’s meow. It means they are the best. And they are.

Congratulations to the winners. I’m going to go chase butterflies. Won’t catch one, but they are fun to chase.


First Place: Rosimber Diaz Solis

When you go to mountain it is.
Like listening to music that you like.
Very much and in the mountain you.
Can feel the noises of the birds.
Singing and the mountain is very.
Beautiful because it is very.
Natural the air is muy
natural para breathe it.
No es igual que ventilator porque
el ventilador trabaja solo
con luz that is not aire natural.
Natural air is from the trees.

Second Place: Noor Allataifih


Me and my brother
In a garden
Running and laughing
With trees all around,
Dancing with
The wind
The feeling
Of air, the smell
Like fresh apples

Third Place: Aracely (Elida)

Poem to the Butterfly

Beautiful butterfly flies so
high that spring close to you

That the beautiful flowers that
Fragrance your wings of colors
and brilliance that the honey
of the flowers sweeten you.

And that the leaves of the trees
Protect you from the sun’s rays
and that at night the beautiful
lusiergands make you shine
more than you are, a beautiful

1 Comment

  1. Excellent choices. All three made me feel the air and sunshine of the outside world.

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