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Posted by on May 16, 2017 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Alpha Parent Center ACE Poetry Contest Winners Announced

By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, Alpha Public Schools

Treat yourself to a poem at the Alpha Parent Center!

We’re eating treats for the winners of the ACE Poetry Contest from the Alpha Parent Center.

These poets are great. Not only because the poems are good and very personal reflections (something that we dogs do all the time – that’s why we look so pensive,) but because English is a second language for these poets. And I get that. Do you know how hard it is for a dog to learn it’s owner’s language? And all they want to do is talk, talk, talk. Too many words. And they rarely listen to us. Just tell us to be quiet.

Well, these poets are not quiet. In fact, a couple of them are sharing their poems out loud. You have to listen to the video where they’re reading their poems. That’s right. Out loud. And in English. Like slam poetry. Pretty cool. Pretty spectacular!

So without further extra words, here are the winners of the Alpha Parent Center ACE Poetry Contest:


Jenny Zepeda, center, receives her First Place award from Karen Martinez, right, and Adrian Parra Salas.

First Place:  Jenny Zepeda

Here’s her poem: Jenny’s poem










Aide Valdovino shows off her Second Place award.

Second Place: Aide Valdovinos

Here’s her poem:


Everyday a Traffic Day


Every day is a traffic day

And my kid’s school is far away.

My son is always going late

Even when they haven’t ate.


I’m having a lot of stress

And this trip to school is a mess.

Every day I drive in the freeway

This may not be a great day.


Guillermina Orozco, center, receives her Third Place award from Karen Martinez, right, and Adrian Parra Salas.

Third Place: Guillermina Orozco

And here is her poem: Guillermina’s poem










Thank you for the great work poets.  Arf!  Arf!  And remember, treat yourself to a poem!





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