Arf, Arf! It’s National Poetry Month Plus ACE Poetry Contest Month
By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, assisted by Martha Sessums, ACE President, who types faster than Riley April is my favorite month. Not only is the sun shining more...
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By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, assisted by Martha Sessums, ACE President, who types faster than Riley April is my favorite month. Not only is the sun shining more...
Read MoreBy Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot Arf. Arf. I’m loving this. The poets at San Francisco International High School went poetry slam. Each poet videoed their poem and...
Read MoreBy Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot This is what I love about poetry – the examination of the heart and soul, and from that the realization of a personal truth. These...
Read MoreBy Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot I’m running around in circles ‘cause we have a haiku poem in the winning group of ACE Poetry Contest poems from Alpha: José...
By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot There are all kinds of beasts out there (I know, ‘cause I’m a dog) and this poem identifies our current Big Beast – the coronavirus....
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