ACE Poetry Contest 2021 Featured Amazing Poets and Poems
By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, and Martha who’s gonna let me do some paw tricks on the keyboard too Arf, arf. Riley here. What a great year for a poetry contest....
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By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, and Martha who’s gonna let me do some paw tricks on the keyboard too Arf, arf. Riley here. What a great year for a poetry contest....
Read MoreBy Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, who often dances around, especially for treats, and Martha, who keeps typing for Riley which is kind of a dance in itself Riley...
Read MoreBy Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, who’s rarely insecure ‘cause he’s seen it all, assisted by Martha, who has seen a lot too, but she understands the need to touch...
Read MoreBy Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, assisted by Martha. Still typing away, but busy with spell check. Outta? Outa? I’m running around in circles for these poems. Riley...
Read MoreBy Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot and massive tail wager for poetry, assisted by who? Oh, yes, Martha. She types. Today we have the 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade...
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