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Posted by on Apr 18, 2016 in ACE Partners, ACE School Report | 0 comments

Swinging Through the Poetry Jungle at Yew Chung International

By Guest Blogger Ming-Mei, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, Yew Chung International School

Ming-Mei here, and I love poetry almost as much as I love bananas.

Ming-Mei here, so cool to be a Poetry Contest Mascot.  I love poetry almost as much as I love bananas.

There’s no monkeying around when it comes to National Poetry Month! Hi, everyone, I’m Ming-Mei, the Yew Chung International School (YCIS) Silicon Valley, mascot for the ACE Poetry Contest. This is the first year that YCIS Silicon Valley is participating, and our school is going bananas over all the wonderful activities people can do to celebrate National Poetry month.

Here are 10 fun and creative ways to enjoy National Poetry Month with your friends and family:
1. Create an anthology of your favorite poems illustrate them using digital design technology.
2. Make a video of yourself reading a poem at an open mic event at a local coffee shop or bookstore; upload your masterpiece to share with the world.
3. Get ready for Mother’s Day by making a card with lines of poetry; share your cards online.
4. Watch a selection of poets sharing their own poetry on TED.
5. Use the #NationalPoetryMonth on Twitter to tweet about your favorite poems and poets.
6. Go online to Poets.org or Poems.com and read a poem a day.
7. With the presidential election cycle in full swing, there have been many debates on television lately. Hold your own classroom debate with centered around the question, “Does poetry matter?”
8. Create posters about National Poetry Month and hang them around your school.
9. Email original poems with a pen pal.
10. Turn your poetry into a multimedia experience by typing your poem in Animoto. Upload images and music to make it your unique masterpiece.

These activities are sure to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Who knew learning with technology could be so much fun!!!

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