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Posted by on Apr 11, 2014 in ACE Partners, ACE School Report | 0 comments

Poetry is Everywhere in April – Check Out KALW Radio Poets

By Guest Blogger Riley, assisted by Martha Sessums

Hi, it’s me again – Riley the dog and mascot of the ACE Poetry Contest.

The students at Alpha: Blanca Alvarado Middle School, Oakland International High School and San Francisco International High School are busy learning about poetry.

Whew! It's tough work writing poetry.

Soon, they’ll be writing poems and entering them into their school’s contest. Winners will win $money$!! And maybe the winners will spend some of that $money$ on treats for me!

But I wanted to tell you about another place to find poetry written by students. Check out ACE’s good friends at KALW. They have partnered with AmericaSCORES Bay Area, an organization that blends poetry with soccer. And every day a student will read their poem ON AIR. Here’s the link for Radio Poets.

Radio Poets

How cool is that? Say, does Poetry + Soccer = SLAM poetry?

Okay, okay, the winners of the ACE Poetry Contest will only be posted on this blog, but if everyone re-tweets the blog, or puts it on their Facebook or LinkedIn page, that would be cool. Add Tumblr, Flickr, Stumble, Google+ or whatever site you love and it could go viral. And you can post my picture on Instagram or We Heart It. Now that would be super cool. (You know, dog pix are the new cat pix.)

So enjoy poetry everywhere, even on the radio. And remember that April 24th is Poem in Your Pocket Day. Or, as I like to think of it, Give a Dog a Treat From Your Pocket Day.

Treat yourself to a poem.


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