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Posted by on Aug 28, 2013 in ACE Partners, Continuing Education | 0 comments

Let’s Learn In! this Year

By Martha Sessums

Another school year has started. Hard work is ahead, along with the excitement of success when goals are met and progress in commanding a topic or task is done.

This will be a year showcasing success for ACE. We spent last year strengthening our continuing education partnerships and have three partners that are making a difference in the Bay Area. Our partners bring education opportunities to students who have had limited access or resources to education and provide a forum for learning. These are students who recognize that these continuing education opportunities are key to their success in life. They recognize that they can – and must – Learn In!*

This is the second year that Oakland International High School is offering a continuing education program providing a fifth year of study to learn English, finish high school and pass the high school exit exam. In addition, the ACE College and Career Center provides internship programs to assist in career exploration and preparation for college. Even better, the Center offers classes in English and technology skills for the families of students – and the community too. Learn In!

San Francisco International High School also has a new continuing education program that offers similar fifth year study to support students as they graduate and get college-ready. Courses in English and technology are also offered to parents. Learn In!

September 4th will be the launch day of KALW’s Audio Academy, a 10-month intensive radio journalism training program. This free program will hold classes at the radio station covering research, reporting, interviewing, writing, voicing and sound design. The results from the class of eight students will be heard on the live call-in program Your Call and on Crosscurrents, the news and culture show. Learn In!

ACE will continue to support schools using the ACE Network for educational purposes. As we keep experiencing, technology can provide learning and teaching systems that are intelligent, mobile, engaging and – importantly – personal. Stay tuned for updates on using technology in the classroom. Learn In!

I will also keep the ACE Spectrum audience updated on the recent Sprint purchase of Clearwire, which provides the network for ACE. The merger is good news and should result in a more robust network.

So keep tracking ACE Spectrum as I report on the students who Learn In! this year and make a difference in their lives.

*Thanks to Sheryl Sandberg and her book “Lean In” and the community it inspires. Guess I was inspired too.

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