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Posted by on Aug 7, 2013 in ACE Partners, Continuing Education | 0 comments

KALW Summer Intern Tells Personal Story of Her Mother’s “Second Family” on Crosscurrents

This summer, KALW public radio, an ACE Continuing Education Partner, hosted four interns from Burton High School where the station is based. Working with senior editor Casey Miner and all of the station staff, they learned about everything that goes into producing a feature radio piece, from conceiving an idea to recording interviews, writing scripts, and sound engineering. KALW is airing their pieces this week.

Second intern up: Megan Quintana. Check out her piece, as well as her reflections on her summer experience.

By Megan Quintana

Through this internship I’ve been able to do and experience a lot of new things, like:

Megan Quintana records her voice track – or "tracks" – her story that aired on Crosscurrents.

interview random strangers; learn how to make a story script, and much more. Honestly, I hated it at first because it was new to me. And learning how to do something new takes effort, and it’s just like ugh, really? But once I got the hang of it, it really wasn’t that bad, Plus, when you’re having fun time does go by quickly! A‬‪nd I’m sure I’ll be thankful for these new skills in the future.‬

Making my radio story really seemed impossible at first, but a lot of the people here made it more than easy! They took me step by step and made the process of making a radio story really understandable. My story is a profile of Leland House, a residential facility where my mom works, and they gave me great tips and advice with working on a piece like that. For example, they warned me about getting permission to record in a private area.

I really like the working atmosphere at KALW. It’s really laid back, nothing too strict. And people are really easy to talk to. Someone in KALW is always willing to give you a helping hand.

‪I will most definitely stop by during the school year!‬

Here’s my story:Visitacion Valley home makes it possible for low-income HIV/AIDS patients to reside in San Francisco

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