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Posted by on Apr 8, 2020 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report | 0 comments

We Cats Are Here to Catbomb – We Mean Help – Riley with the ACE Poetry Contest

By Poetry Cats, who sent in their blog copy via Google Docs so Martha’s keyboard stays clean, unlike when Riley uses it

Riley’s a dog, which is great. He’s a wonderful dog and makes a great ACE Poetry Contest Mascot. Of course, he added Lucy to the mix which makes it even better.

Hi. Joycat here. Busy studying like everyone else.

But we noticed that this year something was missing. No cat ACE Poetry Contest Mascots. We get it, there’s a really bad virus out there that made all the schools close and turned learning into home schooling. The teachers are busy developing curriculum and teaching online. Students are busy learning online in their bedrooms or living rooms, even kitchens. (We would like that – close to the cat nibbles.) It made sense to keep the mascot thing easy – Riley only, so there’s no fuss.

But we’re cats. We love fuss. So, we’re CATBOMBING the ACE Poetry Contest. You’ll hear from us as we play around with poetry. As we leap on limericks, hop on haiku, swat at slam, eat up elegy, run with rap, squeeze inside sonnets, pee on poetr… Whoops. Sorry.

Mobilecat here. Nothing more comfy than a mobile phone and a nap.

While Riley likes doggerel poetry, we cats invented catterel poetry. And we plan to bat around ideas like we do when playing with a feather on a string. Or your mobile phone. We hope to have fun and that you readers will too.

To start, here’s our first catteral poem for National Poetry Month. Enjoy. And do your homework. We’re with ya.



                                        We’re Learning Online Together


Is that a keyboard? What fun. Let me help you with that.

What does that button do? Oh, the screen went blank.

Meoooooow. Meoooow. Meeoooowwww. Meeooo——

Hey what happened? Did you put me on mute?

Well then, I’ll just sit on your lap and purr soft and quiet,

Be your learning pal during online class.

But don’t forget to pet me.

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