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Posted by on May 14, 2021 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 0 comments

Time for Poems from Blanca Alvarado – Lots of ACE Poetry Contest Winners

By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, and Martha who keeps plugging away at the keyboard. I keep telling her I can help but she says I’ll type extra letters

Riley here. Did you know that Blanca Alvarado was Alpha Public School’s first school? My buddy John would always take me to the office and that’s where I met Martha and we started the ACE Poetry Contest.

Big arf-out for these students and the poems. Oh, the teachers too. They are very cool.

The first set of poems are class poems (check out the pictures,) and each class will receive the prize money to spend on supplies for the students. The second set is from the 5th grade class and they range from cakes to bravery. Martha says to read the cake poem in the broad sense of society and how the different “cake” colors should always unite. I tell her she sometimes reads too much into poetry.

Congratulations winners. Arf, arf, arf. Still more winning poems next week.

Whole Class Poem – Kindergarten

We love everything
We like homework
And learning
We use our computers
And color
We are nice
Some like math
Some like ELD
But we are all learning how to read
We love everything


Whole Class Poems – First Grade



Here’s some sample poems:

By Jacob


By Alxis

Skittles, bittles, kittles
dittles, wittles, so
much is yummy
honey, hard, hardy
crunchy, hunchy, hunchy


Whole Class Poems – First Grade



Topic: Springtime fun – here’s some sample poems.

By Damian

Ride my horse
Ice cream
Nice flowers
Green grass


By Lucid

Playing in the grass
Running in the sand
Ice cream
Nice day
Going to the beach


Fifth Grade Contest


First Prize: Melissa Villavicienco

The Cake

You are round.
You are squared.
You are yummy.
When I celebrate you are always there.
You are colorful.
Your frost is delicious.
You can be
Red- Velvet
Layers upon Layers
You will always unite


Second Prize: Erick Toledo

The Light of the Universe

every morning they are beautiful
And when I wake up I look outside
with the heat of the sun, my body is strengthened,
my soul and my spirit

A new day has arrived!
this is a great joy
everything becomes radiant
in this new day,

but, as the hours go by
everything fades away, and seeing
when the sun goes down
I go out to watch the sunset

letting see now, one by one
the stars come out
oh beautiful sky! Your light
light up my existence,

when contemplating, its beauty.


La Luz del Universo

todas las mañanas , son bellas,
y, cuando despierto, miro hacia afuera.
con el calor del sol, se fortalece mi cuerpo,
mi alma y mi espíritu

¡Un nuevo día ha llegado!
esto es una gran alegría
todo se vuelve radiante
en este nuevo dia,

pero, al paso de las horas
todo se desvanece, y al ver
cuando el sol se va ocultando
salgo a observar el ocaso

dejando ver ahora, una a una
las estrellas se asoman
!oh hermoso cielo! tu luz
alumbra mi existencia,

al contemplar, su belleza.


Third Prize: Andrew Carillo

I am Poem

I am helpful and brane!
I wonder what I am going to do when i grow up
I hear lots of crying
I see me crying a lot when i was a lil kid
I want a nice house when i grow up
I am helpful and brave

I feel mad all the time
I worry that my grandpa is going to get hurt
I dream that im gonna have a nice house when i grow up
I try to be good at school
I am helpful and brave

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