Thor Writes Poems About Belonging to Inspire Oxford Day Academy Poets
By Thor, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, Oxford Day Academy

Thor here. Resting after writing poems. Also resting from Spring Break. Woof. Glad to be back at school.
Hello Everyone, this is Thor once again. I was on Spring break last week and enjoyed reading your posts while away from school. During my week off, this poem kept swirling in my head, which I would like to share with you.
We belong
By Thor
We belong in a different world
Our heritage never goes wrong
Whatever we’re denied or
For worse
Or for best
We all belong
We belong
And we’re strong
We stand
With a straight face
We walk with a pace
Through the fields
Full of brown crops
Blending into one another
We stand by our mothers
We belong to our great grandmothers
We belong to the roots of trees
We belong to the crops
We belong in different societies
And they are varieties
In the end
We belong as one
We belong
To our ancestors
We belong
To the world