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Posted by on Apr 10, 2018 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 0 comments

There’s No Time Like Rhyme Time With The ACE Poetry Contest Mascots

By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, Assisted by Martha Sessums (for spelling purposes only)

Riley here. Sooooo excited about all the poets out there.

This is awesome. We mascots are writing rhymes to each other because we’re so excited to be working together. Check out earlier blogs.


You’ve met all the mascots now:




–Chupe and Cronos for San Francisco International High School
–Thor for Oxford Day Academy and ACE Learning Center
–Violet for Oakland International High School
–Riley (that’s me) for all the Alpha Public Schools and ACE Learning Center

As a rhyming team
We scream.
We bark and meow
And how.
Teaching kids
The rhyme grid,
Of quality
And poetry.

And we’re not the only ACE Learning Centers celebrating poetry. Our friends at KALW Public Radio (they do the awesome Audio Academy) put poets on air. Arf. Radio time. On radio spectrum. KALW teamed up with America Scores Bay Area to bring young poets from San Francisco’s Tenderloin elementary schools to the airwaves. These are “poet-athletes” because they not only write cool poems, but they play soccer too. Or hoops. Or baseball. Check it out here – too cool for school.

April promises to be a poetic month. Watch the ACE Spectrum blog because we mascots are busy writing poems and enjoying spreading the fun of poetry to the students in our schools. Like they say, “On the internet, everyone is a poet.”

Don’t forget that April 26 is Poem in Your Pocket Day. Start choosing your poem now – the one to pull out of your pocket and read to friends and strangers, which immediately makes those strangers your friend.

And thanks for all the “Likes” for the picture of me with Lucy Rose. She may be working on writing a poem too. A baby one.

Treat yourself to a poem.


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