Students at SF International High School Carried Poems in their Pockets
By Guest Columnist Cronos, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, San Francisco International School
Happy Poetry Month! Hi, Cronos here.
San Francisco International High School (SFIHS) celebrated national Poem in Your Pocket Day on Thursday. Here’s a quick update from two students, Ibrahim and Pamela:
Ibrahim: To celebrate Poem in your Pocket day I’m carrying Billy Collins‘ The Art of Drowning. Honestly, I took it from my teacher’s bookshelf because it was small but then I read one of the poems and it’s really funny. My favorite one is called, “On Turning 10” because it’s about a kid who doesn’t want to grow up. Every day in 9th and 10th and 11th grade I wanted to graduate and leave high school. Now I’m about to graduate in a month and I don’t want to leave!
Pamela: Today I have Federico Garcia Lorca‘s Libro de Poemas. I chose this book because it has poems in Spanish and English and I learn new words in both languages. I didn’t know that there were still so many words in Spanish that I don’t already know. The poems are old and sometimes the way they sound makes me think about my grandma and how she used to talk to me in my country.
Cool stuff. Makes me wish I had a pocket.
As Riley says, treat yourself to a poem, dude. I add dude, ‘cause I’m a serious poet.