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Posted by on Apr 4, 2018 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 1 comment

SF International Dives Right In With New Growth & Poems For Poetry Month

Hi, it’s Chupe. Adding some flair to my usual black and white. Poems have flair, ya know.

By Chupe and Cronos, ACE Poetry Contest Mascots, San Francisco International High School

It’s that time of year again. Spring has sprung and San Francisco International is buzzing with new growth.

We moved into our new home in Potrero Hill this fall. I was worried about all of my old students. Would they all be able to sniff us out in a new neighborhood? Luckily, a neighborhood husky wandered right on over to school to make sure everyone knew the way. What a relief.

Here’s the neighborhood husky that visits SFIHS.

This year, Cronos and I, Chupe, are back to host the annual ACE Learning Center Poetry Competition. Our young poets are ready to write, but they need some inspiration. To announce the contest, I thought I should add a little flair to my usual black and white. Cronos thinks it’s better to lead by example and just dive right in.

I’m Cronos. An old hand at being Poetry Contest Mascot. Just dive in.





Riley, how do you teach your students to walk, run and roll with poetry?

Happy writing,

Chupe & Cronos

1 Comment

  1. Hello Chupe and Cronos!

    Our kiddos are immersed in poetry in different ways. Poetry can be hard so certain books the students read will introduce poems and our scope and sequence also has poetry dispersed throughout. We have several fifth through seventh graders excited to write! Stay tuned!


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