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Posted by on Apr 18, 2018 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 1 comment

Poetry Workshops Inspire Poetry at San Francisco International High School

By Chupe, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, San Francisco International High School

Poetry in the works. Here are SFIHS students writing poems during a workshop.

Hello poets near and far! Thanks to the encouraging words, woofs and meows from our ACE family, Cronos and I have successfully motivated our burgeoning poets to begin writing. Last week, we hosted our first poetry workshop. Students read some examples of inspiring poetry, began drafting their own poems and even read some pieces out loud.

Students still have two weeks to work on their own submissions before our poetry contest. I’m keeping my paws crossed that the winners will be brave enough to share their words with the entire school.

Happy Poetry Month,

Chupe (and Cronos)

P.S. Riley, everyone is talking about Poem in Your Pocket Day. I have lots of poems I want to carry around all day, but what’s a pocket?

Chupe here. Standing proud for poetry and my student pals at SFIHS.


1 Comment

  1. Dear Chupe,

    I’m not sure what pockets are,
    but I’ve heard that word often near and far.

    “Don’t sniff my pockets, there’s no food in there.”
    “My pockets are empty, get out of there”

    My nose is my guide
    And takes me to places far and wide

    Is a pocket a thing or a place?
    Is it something I can chase?

    While I may never know what a pocket is
    I’m sure happy that poetry month exists

    I’ll carry your poem if you carry mine
    Just can’t prevent a little drool or slime

    Lightbulb! Is that what a pocket is?
    Something to put our awesome poems in?


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