Our Cool Poetry Friends at KALW Broadcast America SCORES Radio Poets
By Guest Blogger Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, assisted by Martha Sessums
This poetry story is so cool I can barely control my tail from wagging. Once again, our friends at KALW have teamed up with America SCORES Bay Area to broadcast Bay Area student’s poems. That’s like ON AIR. Like, so viral.
Here’s how it works. America SCORES works in the Bay Area public schools to promote soccer. They also promote reading, writing and poetry. KALW produces stories of selected students reading their poems, and they are not only posted online, but on air. Monday through Thursday at 3:18pm and 8:58pm.
In fact, America SCORES hosts an annual National Poetry Slam in New York, where students perform their original poems onstage in front of tons of people. This year was the ninth annual, and two kids out of 28 poet/athletes represented the Bay Area – Fatimah A. and Eric M. Woof, woof!
Last year I predicted that poetry + soccer = slam poetry, and I didn’t even know about the America SCORES National Poetry Slam. For a dog, I know my poetry. That’s why I’m The Mascot, dudes.
So check out the KALW Radio Poets.
Oh, I’ve already heard from San Francisco International High School. Poetry is rocking there, with teachers writing poems to inspire their students. You’ll soon hear from Lobo, the SFIHS ACE Poetry Contest Mascot.
Of course, poetry is happening at all the ACE Partner Schools participating in the contest, so stay tuned.
And don’t forget that April 30 is Poem in Your Pocket Day. You can put dog treats in your pocket too. Just remember to share those treats with your favorite doggie friend. Like me!
Treat yourself to a poem.