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Posted by on Sep 8, 2014 in ACE Learning Center, ACE Partners, Continuing Education | 0 comments

KALW Audio Academy Starts Another Fantastic Year

By Guest Blogger Ben Trefny, Executive Editor, KALW News

The KALW Audio Academy kicked off last week! After the process of going through more than 50 applications and nearly 30 interviews, it was wonderful to finally meet the 10 participants in person.

La Rentreé happened for Audio Academy students who attended the first day's class.

We scheduled two days of orientation, including a meet and greet session with our staff and summer volunteers, a tour of the station and observation of KALW’s live program Your Call. Several seminars gave everybody an overview of fundamentals, our station’s mission and style, and the chance to get to know some of the key people with whom they’ll be working.

The class was extremely attentive, asked a lot of questions, and is very eager to get started. And so are we!

We’ve paired up each student with a mentor, and it was very gratifying to me to see every one in conversation after the orientation schedule had finished for the day.

I’m anticipating a fantastic year, and I’m looking forward to seeing all the hard work we’ve put into preparing our syllabus and lesson plans set in motion. (Check out the new class schedule.) Another set of outstanding people are being trained to be great public interest journalists!

I’ll keep the ACE Spectrum readers posted on the class!  This week’s lesson is the Art of the Public Radio Membership Drive. Help us keep the pitch breaks short by giving early.

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