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Posted by on Apr 17, 2019 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 0 comments

It’s the Day Before Poem in Your Pocket Day

By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, Alpha Public Schools

It’s best to be a dog ‘cause treats fall when humans jog and it’s best to snag ‘em quick and when those treats fall from the table whether for real or sneak-shared by John
it’s a treat to have a treat cause I’m a dog

It’s best to be a cat ‘cause we don’t rush for those pats nor wait for that splat o table treat we prefer to sniff it first n make sure it is worth our thirst for excellence and not the worst
it’s a treat to choose a treat cause I’m a cat

It’s best to get along sharing treats of words of rhyme wrapped in lyrics rap n tweets or epic Haiku telling ode to narrative in a limerick sonnet doggerel kind of refrain
it’s a treat to have a poem in your pocket

Arf! Arf! Some of my best doggerel, don’t you think?

Tomorrow is Poem in Your Pocket Day, so have a poem in your pocket ready to share with friends and strangers. Poems are the best treats. Even Lucy agrees.

It’s me, Riley, and Lucy. I’m making Lucy smile at my doggerel poems.

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