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Posted by on Apr 27, 2017 in ACE Learning Center, ACE Partners, Continuing Education | 0 comments

Arf! It’s Poem in Your Pocket Day and I’m Rapping You a Treat

By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot Who Hangs Out at Alpha Public Schools

It’s Poem in Your Pocket Day, so share that poem! Are!

Today is my favorite day of National Poetry Month. It’s Poem in Your Pocket Day. The day you carry a poem in your pocket and read it to anyone you want. Friends, family, maybe that sad person who looks like they need a poem treat.

You know me. I’ll do most anything for a treat. Just ask John. He’s my main treat giver and friend. I’ve taught him everything he knows about giving treats, especially generosity. Yup, I gotta earn those treats, but he is generous when he gives ‘em.

Plus, he takes me to fun places. Like this snowy spot where he throws snowballs at me to catch. Pretty fun. I love making those snowballs explode.  Check it out! Riley Snowball.MOV

It’s cool how much you can learn from each other. Breakfast, the ACE Poetry Contest Mascot at Oakland International High School, showed me a really cool video of a rap the kids did about determination. It was in yesterday’s ACE Spectrum blog post, and is pretty inspiring.

So inspiring that I wrote my own doggerel rap. I just made doggerel rap a thing. It’s my personal Poem in my Paw-ket. Arf!

Riley Rap

The secret to success is to not back down. To see the ball. To watch the ball. To follow the ball. Never take eyes off the ball. ‘Till ya get to the ball. And ya pick up the ball and ya shake the ball. Shake shake the ball. Shake shake that ball. Cause it’s your ball now and you’re off the leash and you’ve won the ball. It’s your ball now and you’ve worked hard to get that ball.

Even though I’m a dog
I wanna break the leash
I wanna chase the ball
I wanna catch it all
I wanna be my best
Let me be my best
You let me be my best
Then the winning starts
For me, for you
For everyone
‘Cause I’m gonna catch it all

The secret to success is to not back down. You want that treat, ya gotta work fur that treat. Ya gotta do something good to be earning that reward. But it don’t come free, just ask me. I work for my treats all the time. Gotta put up with commands and rules that I hate. Like sit stay come and no no no. But I look at commands like a way to show that I’m in the know. That I learned what I need and beyond what I need to earn success in getting those treats.

Even though I’m a dog
I wanna break the leash
I wanna chase the ball
I wanna catch it all
I wanna be my best
Let me be my best
You let me be my best
Then the winning starts
For me, for you
For everyone
‘Cause I’m gonna catch it all

I’m still rocking after writing this. Rocking for treats. Hear that John?

Good luck to all the poets who entered the ACE Poetry Contest. We look forward to the winner’s poems. So remember, treat yourself to a poem. Arf! Arf!

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