It’s a Beginning, Not an Ending so Let Poetry Inspire and Tell Your Story
By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot and Alpha Public Schools Mascot, helped by Martha Sessums, even though Riley thinks he is getting better at keyboarding, but not really
This has been a year of changes. Last April we were all in lockdown in California, stuck at home learning how to attend class online. Trying to learn at home with everyone around. No escaping brothers or sisters, mom or dad, grandparents, cousins or anyone else around the house. But still needing to learn and do homework and take tests.
A lot of that is changing in this current April. A new beginning. Some schools have started up again following all the mask and social distance rules, and we can see our friends in person. (My tail’s wagging with that news.) Many teachers and adults have been vaccinated and more and more are getting the jab. Plus, getting a vaccination is available to students 16 and older now. That’s worth barking about. Arf arf.
Hey, I’m a dog, as you know, but I still was given vaccinations for dog stuff. The big one was rabies, but I also got a combo called DHLPP, which stands for distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvo, and parainfluenza. Whew. But because I had my vaccines, I’m good for life.
Ah life. It was really hard this past year, but this April feels like a new beginning. And remember your teachers, counselors, principals (principals are your pal), and everyone else involved in your school are there for you. Many helped with special teaching support and counseling and are always there to help and encourage you.
This April is a beginning and poetry can help inspire. Probably much needed now. I know you’re learning about and reading poetry in class, but it’s great to write poetry too. It makes ya think and reflect. It can be a source of comfort, a way to better understand and an inspiration for this new April beginning.
Go for it. Write poems. Arf, arf, here’s mine, Riley’s doggerel.
Even for a dog
The year has been tough
I lost my school place
Where I hung with my friends
Greeting them in the front office
Or in front of their class
Enjoying the attention
But giving it back
Then there was silence
Where is everyone?
They’re now all in boxes
Worse than a tight leash
I’m not good on Zoom ‘cause
I’d rather be outside zooming
Around the halls and classes
Getting pets, kisses and treats
Students had it bad
‘Cause they want the same
But they have more at risk
Their whole lives ahead
Yes, our teachers are heroes
And are there for us all
Their face always in the Zoom box
Never giving up on us at all
So here is new April and
We have a lot of hope
Schools openish, with restrictions
But at least it’s a start
A beginning toward the normal
With challenges all around
But we’re strong and starting again
And that’s hope in our hands
Or paws
Arf, arf. Stay strong. Stay hopeful. And treat yourself to a poem.
I can relate to Riley—enjoyed the poem!
Thanks Ron. I think you should write some poetry too. We’d love to see it. Arf, arf.