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Posted by on May 21, 2021 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 0 comments

Alpha Poets in English and Folklorico Classes Make Poems Dance

By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, who often dances around, especially for treats, and Martha, who keeps typing for Riley which is kind of a dance in itself

Riley here. One of the things I love about the Alpha Public Schools is the focus on learning to be a leader, getting college-ready and being a part of the Alpha family. They always think out of the box and encourage their students – and parents of students – to work for the best but respect who they are too, including their culture. That’s why this set of poems is from the Alpha Parent Center (an ACE Learning Center) and from the Alpha Ballet Folklorico Group.

Alejandro Espinoza, the ACE Parent Learning Center Lead, says the English Class poems are from the Alpha Parent Center. The Alpha Ballet Folklorico Group is made up of three student groups across our four schools and they practice traditional folklore dances from different regions of Mexico. “We use this group to promote culture, exercise, and strengthen students’ confidence and self-esteem,” Alejandro said. “Because Folklorico dance is such an empowering art form, we decided to ask students to write poems about how they feel when they dance Folklorico.”

Arf, arf. Let’s get dancing with these poems. Congratulations to all the winners. And remember, treat yourself to a poem.

Alpha Parent Center – English Classes Contest


First Place: Edith Zepeda

Watch the video of Edith’s poem here: Edith Zepeda

Second Place: Rocio Herrera

Watch the video for Rocio’s poem:


Third Place: Alma Miramontes

Watch the video of Alma’s poem:


Folklorico Contest

Folklorico Contest 1


First Place: Sofia Horta (and my mom)

I like to play
I like to dance
But what I really love
Is my Folklorico dance
When I spin around
My skirt looks like a wave
I spin faster
Because I am brave
I feel very happy
Dancing with my friends
But we feel sad when class ends
Dancing folkloric is beautiful
And also it is hard
But if you enjoy it
Folkloric dance is art.

Second Place: Maggie Reyes

I skip
I jump
I leap
I move to my own drum
I skip
I jump
I leap
I’m starting to feel the beat
I can do it
I can do it
I can dance
Happiness flows through
The dances I make!


Third Place: Diego Garcia

How Folklorico Inspired Me

Folklorico keeps me entertain.
It makes me shine while this pandemic
Is happening. It helps me now dances
From Mexico. It gives me time to stretch
And dance. It also tells me how other
Countries celebrate special days.
I love Folklorico


Folklorico Contest 2

First Place #1: Mia Carbajal

Antes de Nacer

I feel the beat
I feel the beat
Cuando será el día
Que este allí
I feel it in my blood
I feel it in my veins
My heritage
Mi cultura
Waits for me
Ya estoy aquí
Ya llegue a la tierra
I can finally see
All the beautiful colors
Of dresses made for me
Yo nací bailando
La tierra es mi escenario
Mi cultura celebrando
Every step I take
Me Mexico estoy representando
Y me cultura seguiré sembrando


First Place #2: Gisela Villavicencio

My First Solo

Nervous and scared.
Pretty and made up.
When I went up on the stage, my color
went away
But in listening to the song
My body turned on and my fear was
I looked up and people were clapping
for me
With my smile and my head held high.
My pride in being a dancer and having
Mexican roots

It was a beautiful experience
Like a rose
That I would not change for something


Second Place: Melissa Villavicencio

Folklorico means to have
Folklorico means to have
Outstanding performances
Folklorico means to
Love my roots
Folklorico means to
Kind to one another
Folklorico means to
Learn new dances
Folklorico means to be
Optimistic to dance
Folklorico means to have
Radiant colorful skirts
Folklorico means to
Include anyone
Folklorico means to
Celebrate festival days
Folklorico means to have
Original dance move


Third Place: Yaritzia Blanco

Folklorico is a form of art. With every spin and turn the colors of my skirt are like blossoming flowers allowing me to bloom. With every tap of my show there is music making its way out of the soles of my shoes. With every new dance I learn it is a way to show that I am proud of my heritage. So folklorico is a lot of things but most importantly it is how I express myself and the way I show that I am proud of who I am and where I come from.

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