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Posted by on May 3, 2017 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 0 comments

ACE Poetry Contest Winners from Oakland International High School Announced

By Breakfast, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, Oakland International High School

Fence jumping for the ACE Poetry Contest winners — and poetry!

We cats don’t jump up and down (except on tables, cabinets and other places we’re not supposed to be), and we certainly don’t howl. But I’m purring about the selection of ACE Poetry Contest winners at Oakland International High School. April, National Poetry Month, was fun, and students learned a lot about different types and styles of poetry. Got to write lots of poems too.

The judging was difficult, but the winners were chosen and I’m ready to announce them. Let me hop on the fence to make the announcement. This high post keeps me from that pesky, jumpy Chupe from San Francisco, and Alpha Arf-Man Riley who is always looking for treats. Poor guys. Don’t they know that on the internet, it’s cats that rule? So not dogs.

Okay, I’m on top of the fence, and here are the winners:

First Place – Husn, from Yemen. Second Place – Ibtihal from Yemen. Third Place – Andres from Guatemala.

Ready for the winning poems? Here they are:

First Place

Why I Can’t Live Without You
Husn, from Yemen

My blood races when I am not with you.
We get separated at times, but it is for the best for you.
You come back all energized and ready to fulfill my needs.
During emergencies you are my superman.
Sometimes you can upset me or surprise me.
The reason why: I can’t live without my galaxy 7.
You light up my galaxy.

Second Place

Your Voice
Ibtihal from Yemen

The house without your voice is like sitting in the graveyard.
When we hear your voice, you light the lights in our heart.
You sometimes get me emotional and sometimes teach me how to live better.
Your light lights up my rainy days, but without your voice, your image is useless.
Let me hear your voice.

Third Place

El Futuro
Andres from Guatemala

El hombre invento la tecnología
para la ayuda del mundo
pero que no saben es que
algun dia
la technologia sea avansado
y auto destruyera el mundo
y pasara el peor enemigo de las personas.

And the translation:

Man invented technology
For the world’s help
But they do not know is that
The technology will be advanced
And self-destruct the world
And become the worst enemy of people.

These poems are the best. Thank you everyone who entered and wrote poems. You all are winners. Just like us cats. See you next year during National Poetry Month.

Oh, and those dudes at ACE send their thanks to Husn, Ibtihal and Andres for your great poems.

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