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Posted by on Apr 28, 2014 in ACE Learning Center, ACE Partners, ACE School Report | 0 comments

ACE Poetry Contest Mascots Continue to Create Poems for National Poetry Month

By Guest Blogger Lobo, assisted by Kyle Halle-Erby, Fifth Year Program Coordinator, San Francisco International High School

Looking for poetry – and treats – everywhere. It's called opportunity, Dudes.

Hi again. It’s me, Lobo, and I just wanted to say that this has been a great month for learning about poetry and assembling the Poetry Mascot Crew. We’ve been called the ACE Animal Kingdom, but I think the kingdom is really you students who entered the poetry contest. We’re just your crew that supports learning about poetry styles, trying to show that poetry is a cool way to tell your story and send a message. (Riley would say that really cool is giving him treats. He’s right, you know.)

Eleanor says that poems can be treats too, so in that spirit I penned (or was that pawed) a poem about the cat that lives next door. Check it out.


By Lobo, the Dog

Running outside with the wind in my face
Or a yummy treat on my tongue.
A rub on my belly or a roll on the floor,
Now that’s my idea of fun!

But everything’s better when you’ve got a pal
To share in all the good times.
Do you have a friend you like to play with?
I’ll tell you all about mine!

I live by a cat by the name of Harold
We spend each day together.
We play in the yard, or we play in the house
Depending on the weather.

Because he’s a cat, it can sometimes be hard
Since we don’t love all the same things.
He likes to sleep, or to drink lots of milk,
Or chase after pieces of string.

It’s all for the best because to be best friends,
You don’t have to be the same.
If someone likes something different than you,
You get to learn a new game!

Sometimes we run in the grass like I want,
Sometimes we both take naps.
If he wants to come rub against my belly,
Then I’ll help him chase rats!

It’s so much fun to play with someone
Who likes to play with you,
So next time you are hanging out with your friends,
Ask them what they want to do!


Dudes, your poems are being judged now, and the winners will be announced for each school soon. Stay tuned.


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