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Posted by on Jun 9, 2021 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 0 comments

ACE Poetry Contest 2021 Featured Amazing Poets and Poems

By Riley, ACE Poetry Contest Mascot, and Martha who’s gonna let me do some paw tricks on the keyboard too

Arf. Riley here. It was a great 2121 poetry contest.

Arf, arf. Riley here. What a great year for a poetry contest. There was a lotttt of enthuuusiasssm as students and ACE Learning Center members felt like their lives were returning to more normal kasj!!!doiuowruofj!!! . . .  (whoops, my paws got too enthusiastic about returning to normal and Martha will take over and retype my statement) . . .  felt like their lives were returning to more normal activities.

The focus of this year’s poems was on culture, people’s lives, gaining needed strength to make it through life, even the beauty seen around us and how fun life can be. These are proud poems, and the winners should be very proud of their thoughts and the job they did writing poetry.

So that’s it for the ACE Poetry Contest 2021. Many thanks to my fellow mascots – Max at San Francisco International High School and Bodie at Oakland International High School. Thanks also to the great teachers and managers who helped organize and judge the school contests plus everyone who wrote a poem. You are all awesome.

Bodie here. Best poets ever.

Max here. Proud of everyone’s poems.







I have some news. I will be retiring this year as ACE Poetry Contest Mascot. It has been a great nine years and we’ve shared some great poetry. But it’s time for me to move on and make room for another mascot that represents the contest and Alpha Public Schools. Plus, John is going to give me lots more treats as I won’t be so busy with poems. Arf, arf, I’ll miss the contest (but not the treats.)

Always remember – treat yourself to a poem. ??

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