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Welcome to ACE. We’ve supported continuing education in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1968. 

ACE provides for the continuing educational needs of the industrial, commercial, research, engineering, management and educational communities with instruction in the sciences, engineering, management and business areas located at the place of the student’s employment. This can be at the ACE Learning Centers established in partnership with San Francisco Bay Area schools and non-profits.

Educational areas that meet a student’s continuing education needs can be:

  • On the job education and training for teachers and students
  • STEM learning such as computer programming
  • Security sciences
  • School management
  • Business education
  • Language sciences


ACE’s Learning Centers go beyond the standard curriculum taught in schools supporting education partnerships that expand skill sets for educators. This includes at-school seminars or workshops, teacher training, mentorship programs, leadership programs and specific classes at each school that train students for excelling at jobs in the sciences, engineering, management and business areas.

In other words, ACE supports dedicated educators and adult learners who need an accessible, supportive place to learn and continue their education for a better future.

KALW Pros and Audio Academy Grads Win Big in Local Journalism Awards

Posted by on Dec 27, 2022 in ACE Learning Center, Continuing Education | 0 comments

By Ben Trefny, Interim Executive Director, KALW I wanted to share an end-of-year message of gratitude to the Association for Continuing Education and the community of learning centers. We’ve had a wonderful year at KALW, home to the Audio Academy training program, and it was capped off with 18 regional journalism awards. They would not have been possible had it not been for the support of ACE, which has supported our development programs for many years with ripples that impact the industry all over the country and around the world. On...

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KALW Audio Academy and News Team Reporting Helped the Election Make Sense to KALW’s Audience

Posted by on Nov 17, 2022 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 0 comments

By Ben Trefny, KALW Interim Executive Director We’re just over a week past Election Day. I think at this point, it must be the most collectively stressful day in the United States! But KALW, with huge help from our trainees, helped make sense of it all for our audience. On Election Night, backed by our news team, Sonia Paul and Audio Academy mentor Sunni Khalid hosted live state and local interviews and results to complement NPR’s national coverage of the midterms. Participants included Rose Aguilar, Audio Academy fellows Andrew...

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Historically Low Voter Turnout Precincts Visited Door-to-Door by Audio Academy Giving Away Voting Guide

Posted by on Nov 7, 2022 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report, Continuing Education | 0 comments

By Ben Trefny, Interim Executive Director, KALW Coming right up on the midterm elections, and KALW’s team is gearing up for live Election Night coverage Tuesday on www.kalw.org and 91.7 FM in the San Francisco Bay Area. Make sure to vote and to tune in to find out what happens! In the lead up to that, aside from broadcasting election-related stories, we’ve been visiting historically low voter turnout precincts of San Francisco, Alameda, San Mateo, and Contra Costa Counties. We’ve printed up 6,000 voter information guides,...

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